Opening Day Results
On 23 January Temuka Golf held their Open Day of the New Season and a large crowd attended and played for the Edith McLeod Trophy, Canadian Mixed Foursome. The winners with a great score of 62.5 net were Karen Kelley and S Burgess. Graeme Broker, Club Patron, formally opened the new season and wished everyone good golfing for 2021 and presented the trophy to the winners.
Results: K Kelley & S Burgess 62.5, M Anglem & C Darby 63.5, D Taylor & W Twaddle 64, J & N Donoghue 64, W Powell & S Mackle 64.5, E & D Marryatt 66.5, S Patrick & I Cooper 67.5
Mens Stableford:
L Cunningham 91-26-65 40 pts, C Mathewson 87-21-66. 39, B Mulvey 83-17-66. 39, J Gould 82-15-67. 38, C Kooman 91-24-67. 38, G Thomas 85-17-68. 37, S Stewart 82-13-69. 36, R Archibald 83-14-69. 36, G Melhopt 85-16-69. 36 Twos: P O’Connell, G McNichol, M Kerse, M Peattie (2) S Stewart & L Cunningham. NTP’s G McNichol (No 9) M Peattie (No 12)
Net Eagles: G Broker, S Stewart (no 2)