Green Fees and Motorised Cart Hire Fees
Green Fees
Adult (Unaffiliated) 10 to 18 holes - $35.00 9 holes - $25.00
Adult (Affiliated) 10 to 18 holes - $30.00 9 holes - $20.00
Junior U/18 10 to 18 holes - $15.00 9 holes - $10.00
Green fee players playing in a club day competition will pay $15 for 18 holes and $10.00 for 9 holes (plus the competition fee)
Cart Fees
Members 10 to 18 holes $15.00 9 Holes $10.00
Non Members 18 holes or 9 holes $30.00
Visitors should book ahead to assure a cart is available. Contact Us
Members please ensure you, or visitors you bring to the course, complete
The documentation related to green fees and cart hire.
Hire conditions for motorised cart are displayed in the change rooms and with the booking sheet.
Carts can be booked on the sheet in the folder which is kept in the Green Fee Box
Members should ensure payments with the payment receipt are made prior
to the round and the cart hirers receipt or green fee receipt is displayed on the cart.
Please read the cart operating guidelines on the yellow hirer’s receipt and follow these guidelines.
Members should be aware that club policy is that visitors playing in the club competitions
pay the competition entry fee in addition to the reduced green fees noted above.