- Constitution
- Name
- Objects
- Powers
- Membership
- Admission of Members
- Subscriptions and levies
- Cessation of Membership
- Re-admission of former Members
- Election of Officers and Executive
- Management by the Executive
- Secretary
- Registered Office
- Finance
- Execution of documents
- General Meetings
- Alteration of Rules
- Rules Of play
- Claim to Property
- Winding up
- Interpretation
1 Constitution
The Club was incorporated on 15th day of November 1930
- These rules were adopted by way of amendment on 21st day of November 2006
2 Name
- The name of the Club is TEMUKA GOLF CLUB INCORPORATED ("the Club").
3 Objects
The primary objects of the Club are to:
- To promote the game of golf as a sport and recreational activity and promote other athletic sports, pastimes and recreational activities
- To provide for members a golf course and all things incidental to the playing of golf
- To provide other sporting and recreational facilities
- To provide a Clubhouse for members and to afford them all the privileges advantages and facilities normally associated therewith
- Represent and promote the interests of members of the Club, and
- Do any act or thing incidental or conductive to the attainment of any of the above
- Without detracting from the primary objects, the secondary objects of the Club are to:
- Establish codes of behavior applicable to members, and
- Make regulations or bylaws or policies to advance the attainment of any of the above
4 Powers
In addition to its statutory powers, the Club:
- May use such of its funds to pay the costs and expenses of furthering or carrying out its objects, and for that purpose may employ such people as may seem appropriate,
- May purchase, lease, hire or otherwise acquire, may exchange, and may sell, lease or otherwise dispose of property, rights or privileges to further or carry out its objects as may seem appropriate, provided however that the Club shall not, in any club year, spend more than 25% of the Clubs gross annual income (as stated in the previous years annual accounts), on any one item, without first having that expenditure approved by a General Meeting of the There shall be no need to any such approval if the purchase is being in part funded by a specific grant or donation from an outside source and the amount being contributed from the clubs annual income is less than 25% of the Clubs gross annual income (as stated in the previous years annual accounts).
- May invest in any investment in which a trustee might invest, and
- Shall have power to borrow or raise money by debenture, bonds, mortgage and other means, with or without security, provided however that if any proposed borrowing or raising of money will result in the clubs total indebtedness (excluding accounts due and payable) being greater than 25% of the clubs gross annual income as stated in the previous year’s annual accounts, then such borrowing powers shall not be exercised except by resolution of a General Meeting of which proposed resolution at least fourteen clear days' written notice was given to all Members by notice placed on the notice board in the
- Notwithstanding any other provision, the Club shall not expend any money:
- Other than to further purposes recognized by law, nor
- For the sole personal or individual benefit of any
- Any transactions between the Club and any Member, officer or member of the Executive, or any associated persons shall be at arms' length and in accordance with prevailing commercial terms on which the Club would deal with third parties not associated with the Club, and any payments made in respect of such transactions shall be limited to:
- A fair and reasonable reward for services performed,
- Reimbursement of expenses properly incurred,
- Usual professional, business or trade charges, and
- Interest at no more than current commercial
5 Membership
- The classes of membership are as follows:
- Full Member
A Full Member is any person aged 19 or over who is already a full member or is subsequently admitted to full membership under Rule 6.0 and who has not ceased to be a member under any other Rule.
- Junior Member
A Junior Member is any person under the age of 19 who is already a junior member or is subsequently admitted to Junior membership under Rule 6.0 and who has not ceased to be a member under any other Rule.
There shall be Two (2) sub classes of Junior member:
Junior under 19 Junior under 14
- Nine Hole Member
A Nine Hole Member is any person aged 19 or over who is already a Nine Hole member or is subsequently admitted to Nine Hole membership under Rule 6.0 and who has not ceased to be a member under any other Rule.
A Nine Hole Member is only permitted to play nine holes of golf on any one day, except on those days that the executive has specified that nine hole members may play an additional nine holes in order to take part in a club event.
(d) Non Club Day Member
A non club day member is a member who is not permitted to take part in any club competition nor play on the course during any club event, who is already a non club day member or is subsequently admitted to non club day membership under Rule 6.0 and who has not ceased to be a member under any other rule.
(e) Summer/Winter Member
A Summer/Winter Member is any person aged 19 or over who is already a Summer/Winter member or is subsequently admitted to summer or winter membership under Rule 6.0 and who has not ceased to be a member under any other Rule.
A Summer/Winter member is a member who is permitted to play only during the summer period (which is that period during which daylight saving time applies) or only during the winter period (which is that period when daylight saving time does not apply) whichever period is nominated by the applicant at the time of application for membership
(f) Secondary Member
A Secondary Member is any person aged 19 or over who is a member of another golf club, who applies for membership as a Secondary Member and is admitted to membership under Rule 6.0 as a Secondary Member.
(g) General Member
General Membership allows entry to the clubhouse and club functions without signing in. General Members have no playing or voting rights. Members of all playing classes will hold a general membership.
(h) Life Member
A Life Member is a person honoured for meritorious services to the Club and awarded by the Executive and introduced as a Life Member at the next AGM . The minimum criteria for nomination will include 7 to 10 years on the management committee with 4 to 6 years in executive positions. These include, but not limited to, positions of President, Club Captains, Course Manager. There should also be a history of other voluntary help for the club and/or involvement in significant club projects. A Life Member shall have all the rights and privileges of a Full Member and shall to be subject to all duties of a Full Member except for those of paying the general (or non playing) membership subscription and Regional, National or Club levies. (For the purposes of clarification the Life Member shall continue to pay the playing rights fee of their nominated member class.)
(i) Honoured Member
An Honoured Member is a person honoured for meritorious services to the Club and awarded by the Executive and introduced as an Honoured Member at the next AGM. An Honoured Member is a member honoured for considerable voluntary service to the Club.This can be in administration e.g. on sub committees, coaching, working bees, course maintenance, assisting event organisation, bar, fund raising, but is not limited to these activities.The service would be over an extended period of time. Honoured Members will be recognised on an Honours Board’
(j) Honorary Member
An Honorary Member is a person honoured for services to the Club or in an associated field, elected as an Honorary Member by resolution of a General Meeting passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. An Honorary Member shall have no membership rights, privileges or duties.
- Such other classes as may from time to time be decided upon by the club by resolution of a General Meeting provided that members of such classes shall not have voting rights
- Every Member shall advise the Secretary of any change of
- The Secretary shall keep a membership register of Members of each class of Membership recording their names and addresses and the dates each member became a member
- All members (and Executive members) shall promote the interests and the objects of the Club and shall do nothing to bring the Club or the game of Golf into disrepute.
- Copies of this constitution shall be provided (at cost) to any Member on request
- For the purposes of this rule, 5, the age of any member shall firstly be determined as at the 31st of March in the year of application for membership and thereafter shall be determined as at the 31st of March in the year following the most recent Annual General Meeting
6 Admission of Members
- Applicants for membership to any of the classes of Membership shall complete any application form provided by the Executive and supply such information as may be required by the
- Membership applications shall be considered by the Executive who may interview representatives of an applicant
- The Executive shall have a discretion whether or not to admit a membership applicant, and shall advise the applicant of its
7 Subscriptions and Levies
- The annual subscription will be the total of three 1 The General Membership fee.
- Levy fees imposed by the regional golf body, the national golf body or by the club,
- The fee for the playing rights for the membership class selected by the
- The components of the annual subscription (or the amount of any periodic payments if the Executive decides that it is payable by instalments) and any capitation fees, for different classes of membership for the next financial year shall be set by resolution of the Executive made before August 31st in the current
- The Executive may by resolution impose a levy or levies on members in different classes of membership in any financial year up to a maximum totalling 50 per cent of the annual subscription for that year for each class of
- Any member failing to pay their annual subscription, or if payment by instalment is permitted, any member failing to pay the first instalment, by 30 September in any year or any member failing to pay any levy, or any capitation fees within one calendar month of the date the same was set, shall be considered as unfinancial and shall (without being released from the obligation of payment) have no playing rights nor any other membership rights (membership rights includes the right to have a handicap) and shall not be entitled to participate in any Club activity until all the arrears are paid If such arrears are not paid within six months of the date the subscription or levy became due, or such later date as the Executive may determine, the member's membership shall be deemed to have been terminated and the member shall cease to hold himself or herself out as a member of the Club, and shall return to the Club all material produced by the Club (including any Membership certificate, handbooks and manuals).
8 Cessation of Membership
- Any member may resign from that member's class of membership by written notice to the Secretary, and each such resignation shall take effect from the end of the Club's then current financial year, but the member resigning shall remain liable to pay all subscriptions, levies and any other fees to the end of that year, and shall cease to hold himself or herself out as a member of the Club, and shall return to the Club all material produced by the Club (including any Membership certificate, handbooks and manuals).
- The Executive may declare that a member is no longer a member (from the date of that declaration or such date as may be specified) if that member ceases to be qualified to be a member, For avoidance of doubt it is recorded that no such Executive declaration shall be necessary in the case of any member who membership is deemed to be terminated pursuant to Rule 3
- Any complaint about any member, whether from another member or any other person, shall be lodged in writing with the Secretary, and the procedures set out below shall be observed:
- The Executive shall have the following discretions:
- If the nature of the complaint indicates that the subject matter should be dealt with by any Court or tribunal, the Executive may decline to investigate or deal with the complaint until any such body has dealt with the issues which are the subject of the If the decision of any such body:
- Effectively disposes of the complaint, the Executive may decide to take no further action, or may on the basis of that decision without further investigation take such action as it deems appropriate, with or without calling on the complainant or member to provide further information or to make submissions, or
- Does not effectively dispose of the complaint, the Executive procedures set out in paragraph (b)
- If the nature of the complaint indicates that the subject matter should be dealt with by any Court or tribunal, the Executive may decline to investigate or deal with the complaint until any such body has dealt with the issues which are the subject of the If the decision of any such body:
(iv) to (viii) of this rule.
- The Executive may decline to investigate or consider the complaint if the nature of the complaint indicates that the subject matter is petty, frivolous, or
- The Executive may decline to investigate or consider the complaint if, during enquiries being made by or on behalf of the Executive, it becomes apparent to the Executive that it is not appropriate further to investigate or consider the
- If the investigation or consideration of the complaint are likely to require extensive enquiries, a considerable time input, or advice to the Executive from professional advisers, the Executive may at any time:
- Decline further to investigate or consider the complaint, or
- Require the complainant to deposit with the Club such sum as the Executive thinks fit to reimburse the Club wholly or partly for the costs of those making the enquiries or considering the complaint and/or the Club's professional adviser's fees before further investigating or considering the
- The following procedures shall be observed when a complaint is investigated and considered
- The member shall be given a copy of the complaint,
- The member shall have the opportunity to provide a detailed written response to the complaint within not less than one weeks after receiving a copy of the complaint or such further time as may be allowed by the Executive or any special committee established by it for the purpose of hearing and deciding upon the complaint,
- Further enquiries may be made by or on behalf of the Executive or any such special committee, and the results of those enquiries shall be made known to the complainant and the member,
- The Executive or any such special committee shall allow the complainant and the member the opportunity to be heard by the Executive or any such special committee (and no person who has any direct or indirect interest in the complaint or who is in any way biased shall hear and determine the complaint),
- The Executive or any such special committee may:
- Dismiss the complaint, or
- Uphold the complaint and do one or more of the following:
―Reprimand or admonish the member,
―Suspend the member from membership for a specified period,
―Alter the membership classification of the member,
―Impose a fine on the member, or
―Expel the member.
- The Executive or any such special committee shall respect the confidentiality
- The decision and any reasons which may be given (without any obligation to give such reasons) for that decision shall be conveyed to the complainant and the member in writing, and may at the discretion of the Executive or any such special committee be conveyed to
- The decisions of the Executive or any special committee hearing and deciding upon any complaint under this Rule shall be final and binding on the complainant and the member complained against, and shall not be subject to any review or challenge.
- Rules 3(a) (b) and (c) shall not apply to complaints relating to breaches of the rules of golf which shall be dealt with by the match committee or such other committee as may from time to time be appointed by the executive to handle such complaints provided however that the committee which hears such complaints may, if it regards the complaint as sufficiently serious , refer any complaint to the secretary for consideration pursuant to rules 8.3 (a), 8.3(b), and 8.3(c)
- A member whose membership is terminated under these Rules shall remain liable to pay all subscriptions and levies to the end of the Club's financial year in which the membership was terminated, shall cease to hold himself or herself out as a member of the Club, and shall return to the Club all material produced by the Club (including any Membership certificate, handbooks and manuals).
9 Re-admission of former members
- Any former member may apply for re-admission in the manner prescribed for new applicants, and may only be re-admitted by decision of the
- However, if a former member's membership was terminated under either of Rules 2 or 8.3 the applicant shall not be re-admitted by the Executive without the prior approval of a General Meeting.
If a former members membership was terminated pursuant to rule 7.3 the applicant shall not be re-admitted until the unpaid subscriptions fees or levies have been paid or the executive has decided that they may be waived
10 Election of Officers and Executive
- (A) The following Officers shall be elected annually: A President,Vice-President, the Mens Club Captain, the Vice Mens Club Captain, the Ladies Club Captain, the Vice Ladies Club Captain, a representative of the Nine Hole members and the Course Manager and up to four(4) other Executive members, who (together with the Immediate Past President in the year following that person's last year as President) shall be the Club's executive
(B) A Patron may be elected when the executive resolves that it is appropriate to nominate a person or persons for election as a Patron, in place of, or in addition to, any existing patron
- The President (and, in the absence of the President, the Vice-President) shall, in addition to all other duties described in these Rules, generally oversee and direct the affairs and business of the
- The election of Officers shall be conducted as follows:
- Written nominations for nominees for the positions specified in Rule 1, signed by 2 members with voting rights, accompanied by the written consent of each nominee, shall be received by the Secretary not later than 5 pm on the Thursday immediately before the Annual General Meeting.
All persons nominated must be financial members, with voting rights (pursuant to rule 16.4) at the time of nomination.
- Not later than 12 noon on the Saturday immediately before the Annual General Meeting the Secretary shall post on the notice board at the Clubrooms, a voting paper listing all Officer nominees and such information (not exceeding one side of an A4 sheet of paper) as may be supplied to the Secretary by or on behalf of each nominee in support of the nomination.
- If there are insufficient valid nominations received under subrule (a) above for any position, but not otherwise those nominated for that position shall be declared elected and further nominations may be received from the floor at the Annual General Meeting only for those positions then vacant. For avoidance of doubt it is recorded that if on the date of the Annual meeting there are valid nominations for less than three executive members, then those nominated shall be declared elected and nominations from the floor shall be only in respect of any positions then vacant
- Votes shall be cast in such manner as the chairperson of the Annual General Meeting shall determine.
- The Secretary and some other Member (who is not a nominee) designated by the chairperson of the Annual General Meeting shall act as scrutineers for the counting of the votes and destruction of any voting papers.
- In the event of any vote being tied the tie shall be resolved by another vote at that meeting and if there is still a tied vote the election shall be decided by lot
- The Secretary and Treasurer or a Secretary/Treasurer (who need not be Full Members and who need not be Executive members elected under Rule 1) shall be appointed by the Executive and may be paid such remuneration or honorarium as the Executive may from time to time determine.
- If a vacancy in the position of President, Vice President, or other Executive member occurs between Annual General Meetings that vacancy shall be filled by the committee
- Any officer or other member of the Executive may be removed by a resolution of a General Meeting of which prior notice was given in the notice of meeting and which is passed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting
11 Management by the Executive
- From the end of each Annual General Meeting until the end of the next, the Club shall be administered, managed and controlled by the Executive, which shall be accountable to the Members for the implementation of the policies of the Club as approved by any General
- Subject to these Rules and the resolution of any General Meeting, the Executive may exercise all the Club's powers, other than those required by statute or by these Rules to be exercised by the Club in General
- The Executive shall meet at least monthly (but need only meet once in the December/January period) at such times and places and in such manner (including by telephone or video conference) as it may determine and otherwise where and as convened by the President or Vice President
- All Executive meetings shall be chaired by the President or in the President's absence by the Vice President, or in the absence of both of them by some other Executive member elected for the purpose by the meeting, and any such chairperson shall have a deliberative and casting vote
- The Executive may co-opt any person to the Executive for a specific purpose, or for a limited period, or generally until the next Annual General
- The quorum for Executive meetings is at least half the number of the Executive
- Only Executive members elected under Rule 1 or appointed under Rule 10.6 who are present in person or by telephone or video link shall be counted in the quorum and entitled to vote at meetings of the executive.
- The Executive may appoint subcommittees consisting of such persons (whether or not members of the Club) and for such purposes as it thinks Unless otherwise resolved by the Executive:
- The quorum of every subcommittee is half the members of the subcommittee,
- No subcommittee shall have power to co-opt additional members,
- No subcommittee may commit the Club to any financial expenditure without express authority, and
- No subcommittee may delegate any of its responsibilities
- The Executive and any subcommittee may act by resolution passed by a majority of those present and voting. In the event that the vote is tied the President or the chairperson of the subcommittee (as the case may be) shall have a casting vote
The Executive and any subcommittee may act by resolution approved by not less than two thirds of the members of the Executive or subcommittee in the course of a telephone conference call or through a written ballot conducted by mail, facsimile or email.
- The Executive from time to time may make and amend regulations, bylaws and policies for the conduct and control of Club activities, but no such regulations, bylaws and policies shall be inconsistent with these Rules. These Rules, and such regulations, bylaws and policies shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection by members, and copies shall be provided (at cost) to any Member on
- The President (and in the absence of the President the Vice President) shall, in addition to all other duties described in these rules, generally supervise and direct the affairs and business of the Club.
- Other than as prescribed by statute or these Rules, the Executive may regulate its proceedings as it thinks
- Members of the Executive and of subcommittees shall be entitled to be reimbursed by the Club for any reasonable actual expenses incurred by them on behalf of the Club as approved by resolution of the
- Subject to statute, these Rules and the resolutions of General Meetings, the decisions of the Executive on the interpretation of these Rules and all matters dealt with by it in accordance with these Rules and on matters not provided for in these Rules shall be final and binding on all
- Each officer shall within one calendar month of submitting a resignation or ceasing to hold office deliver to that officer's successor all books, papers and other property of the Club possessed by such former
- The Executive may employ any person or company to administer or manage the affairs of the
- Indemnity for Executive:
- No Officer or member of the Executive shall be liable for the acts or defaults of any
- The Officers, Executive and each of its members shall be indemnified by the Club for all liabilities and costs incurred by them in the proper performance of the functions and duties, otherthan as a result of their willful default
- Conduct of Competition and Control of the Course
The Executive (or any subcommittee or subcommittees purpose by the executive for this purpose) shall be responsible for the conduct of all golf competition on the course including clubday competition, club championships, tournaments and other golf events of whatever nature and shall have power to restrict the use of the course by members and nonmembers whilst any competition is being conducted.
The power to restrict the use of the course shall include the power to close the course to all persons not taking part in the competition on those days that the competition is being conducted.
12 Secretary
- The Secretary shall record the minutes of all General meetings and Executive meetings, and all such minutes when confirmed by the next such meeting and signed by the chairperson of that meeting shall be prima facie evidence that that meeting was duly called and shall prima facie be a true and correct record of what occurred at that meeting
- The Secretary shall hold the Club's records, documents, and
- The Secretary shall deal with and answer correspondence and perform such other duties as directed by the
- The Executive shall have the power in its discretion to suspend or remove the Secretary from office
13 Registered Office
- The Registered Office of the Club shall be at such place as the Executive from time to time determines.
14 Finance
- The Treasurer shall keep such books of account as may be necessary to provide a true record of the Club's financial position, report on the Club's financial position to each Executive meeting, and present an annual Statement of Accounts (Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet) to the Annual General Meeting together with a budget for the next financial year
- The Executive shall maintain bank accounts in the name of the Club, and all cheques and withdrawal forms shall be signed by the Secretary and countersigned by one of; the following, President, Vice President, Ladies Club Captain or Mens Club Captain
- All money received on account of the Club shall be banked within seven days of being received
- All accounts paid or for payment shall be submitted to the Executive for approval of payment
- The Club's financial year shall commence on the 1st day of September and end on the 31st day of August in the following calendar
- The Annual General Meeting each year will appoint a member of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants and not a member of the Club, to conduct an independent check of the annual accounts of the If any such person is unable to act the Executive shall appoint a replacement.
- The Executive shall have the power in its discretion to suspend or remove the Treasurer from office
15 Execution of Documents
- The Common Seal of the Club shall be retained by the Secretary
- Documents shall be executed for the Club pursuant to a resolution of the Executive:
- By affixing the Common Seal witnessed by the President or Vice-President and countersigned by some other member of the Executive, or
- Where the document is not required by statute to be executed under common seal, by the President or Vice-President and some other member of the Executive signing on behalf of the Club
16 General Meetings
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than the 30th November in each year at a time and place fixed by the committee
- Special General Meetings may be called by the Executive or by written requisition to the Secretary signed by not less than twenty (20) of financial Members with voting rights pursuant to rule 4. Any written requisition pursuant to this rule shall give notice of any motion proposed to be put at the special general meeting and brief reasons for that motion.
- At least 14 clear days before any General Meeting the Secretary shall post on the notice board at the clubrooms, written notice of the General Meeting and in the case of Annual General Meetings copies of the Annual Report, Statement of Accounts, and notice of any motions proposed by the Executive and the Executive's recommendations in respect The failure for any reason of any Member to read such notice shall not invalidate the meeting or its proceedings.
- General meetings can be attended by all members of whatever class of membership but only financial members with full 18 hole and full 9 hole playing rights, financial members with restricted 18 hole and 9 hole winter/summer playing rights and restricted non club day playing rights, financial Junior members who have reached age 18, Life members and Honoured members are entitled to vote. For the avoidance of doubt it is recorded that financial secondary members, general members with no playing rights, all financial Junior members under age 18 and Honorary members are not entitled to vote.
- A financial Member who has voting rights pursuant to rule 16.4 shall be entitled to vote by written proxy in favour of another financial Member who has voting rights pursuant to rule 4, and who is present at the meeting, but no other proxy voting shall be permitted. A member may only hold and exercise proxies on behalf of 2 other members.
- The quorum for General Meetings is twenty (20). Proxy votes held by any member are not included for the purpose of establishing the quorum
- All General Meetings shall be chaired by the President or in the President's absence by the Vice- President or in the absence of both of them by some other Executive member elected for the purpose by the Meeting and any such chairperson shall have a deliberative and casting vote
16.8 Voting
- Votes shall be exercised as follows:
- At General Meetings voting shall be by voices, by show of hands or, on demand of the President by written ballot
(ii) Unless otherwise required by these rules, all questions shall be determined by a simple majority of members who have voting rights and who are present and voting at the General Meeting.
- A resolution passed by the required majority at any General Meeting binds all members, irrespective of whether they were present at the General Meeting where the resolution was adopted or whether they voted.
16.9 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:
- Minutes of the previous General Meeting(s),
- Annual Report of the Executive,
- Statement of Accounts,
- Election of any Patron(s), the Officers, and the Executive,
- Motions of which notice has been given,
- Approval of a budget for the next financial year, and
- General business shall be limited of matters raised as part of general business but no discussion of general business if the chairperson decides that the matter can properly be
- Any member wishing to give notice of any motion for consideration at the Annual General Meeting shall forward written notice of the same to the Secretary not less than Ten (10) clear days before the date of the meeting. The Executive may consider all such notices of motion and provide recommendations to members in respect thereof
Not less than 7 clear days before the annual general meeting the secretary shall post on the notice board in the clubrooms, notice of any motion received pursuant to this rule and any recommendation of the Executive in respect of that motion The failure, for any reason, of any Member to read such notice shall not invalidate the meeting or its proceedings.
17 Alteration of Rules
- These Rules may be amended or replaced by resolution of any General Meeting passed by a two- thirds majority of those Members present and
- Any proposed motion to amend or replace these Rules shall be signed by at least one half of the Executive or by Twenty Members and given in writing to the Secretary at least Ten (10) clear days before the General Meeting at which the motion is to be considered, and accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for the
- At least seven (7) clear days before the General Meeting at which any such proposal is to be considered the Secretary shall post on the notice board at the clubrooms, written notice of the proposed motion, of the reasons for the proposal, and of any recommendations from the Executive in respect thereof
18 Rules of Play
The rules of play for Golf shall be the The Rules of the Game of Golf as adopted from time to time by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews except insofar as they may be varied by New Zealand Golf Incorporated.
The executive may from time to time add other rules as local rules to suit local conditions.
19 Claim to property
- No member or former member whose membership has been terminated by expulsion, or pursuant to these rules, or by death shall have any claim against the club or the executive or any member or members of the club individually or collectively nor any claim or right to any funds or property of the Club
20 Winding up
- The Club may be wound up under the provisions of the Incorporated Societies Act
- If the Club is wound up, the surplus assets after payment of all debts, costs and liabilities shall be disposed of for such charitable or sporting purposes in Temuka or its surrounding districts as
- 1) may be decided by the Club and recorded in the resolution to wind up; or
- 2) as may be decided by the Court, but no distribution shall be made to any Member.
21 Interpretation 21.1
- Throughout these rules and any bylaws words importing only the masculine shall include the feminine unless the context requires otherwise
- The headings for each clause are inserted for reference only and are not to be taken as limiting or governing the interpretation of each clause solely by reason of their presence in the rules
- Words importing the singular number only, include the plural number and vice versa
Adopted copy
Updated 03/12/2010 Clauses 5.1 & 16.4, Updated 28/11/2011 clauses 4.1b & 5.1 a―f.
Updated 20/11/13 Clause 7 ammended. Clause 14.5 ammended 15/08/15. Clause 14.5 ammended Aug 15 2015. Clause 5.1.(d) restored. 2016 Clauses 5.1 g - 5.1.k in part amended, Clause 7.1 – 7.4 in part amended, Clause
16.4 amended.