Temuka Women’s Golf Programme 2019
The Match Committee may alter this programme if necessary.
January 9.30am start time
5/9 Starters Choice
12/16 4th McCully Trophy
19/23 5th McCully Trophy
26 General Opening Day - Edith McLeod Trophy
30 Ladies Opening Day - Pat McDuff Trophy
February 10am start time
2/6 Stableford
9/13 2BBB/Best Nett
16/20 1st L.G.U, 1st Qualifying Round Championships, 1st Bisdee Vets 65+, (1st Templer Trophy, 1st Complete Curtains Sat)
23/27 Bisque Par
2/6 2nd L.G.U, 2nd Qualifying Round Championships, Coronation Medal, Aotearoa Cup - Best Gross. NZ Vets 70+, 2nd Bisdee Vets 65+ (Complete Curtains Sat) T Score
9/13 3rd LGU, 3rd Qualifying Round Championships, 1st Ringer, (2nd Templer Trophy, 3rd Complete Curtains Sat) T Score
16/20 Stableford
23/27 1st Round Club Championships to be played on or before Friday 5th April. Rest Stableford.
30 Par Round
31 Sun Nancy McCormick Foursomes - 36 holes
3 Par Round
Start Time Wednesday Ladies 10.30am
6/10 National Teams
13/17 2nd Round Club Championships to be played by 20th April. Rest Stableford
20/24 Easter Stableford
27 Nett Plus Putts
28 Sun Final Club Championships
1 Nett Plus Putts
4/8 Irish Stableford
11/15 4th L.G.U, 3rd Bisdee Vets, 3rd Ringer (3rd Templer Trophy, 4th Complete Curtains Sat). T Score
18/22 Prattley Eclectic
25/29 Prattley Eclectic
1/5 5th LGU, 4th Ringer, 4th Bisdee Vets 65+, (5th Complete Curtains Sat) T Score
Entries open 4BBB
7 Fri 2BBB Tournament
8/12 Medalford. Mid year forum
15/19 1st Priddle Stableford
22/26 6th L.G.U, 1st Foxcroft Putting, (6th Complete Curtains Sat) T Score Entries close 4BBB
29 Medal
3 Medal
6/10 7th L.G.U, 5th Ringer, (7th Complete Curtains Sat) T Score
13/17 2nd Priddle Stableford
20/24 Starters Choice. 1st Round 4BBB starts
27 8th L.G.U, 2nd Foxcroft Putting, (8th Complete Curtains Sat) T Score
3/7 9th LGU, 3rd Foxcroft Putting.
Entries open Singles Knockout
9 Fri Temuka Teams Tournament
10/14 3rd Priddle Stableford (9th Complete Curtains Sat)
17/21 Bisque Par
24/28 Starters Choice, 1st Round Singles Knockout
31 4th Priddle Stableford
4 4th Priddle Stableford
7/11 Bisque Par. Entries open McLean Foursomes
14/18 10th L.G.U. 4th Foxcroft Putting (10th Complete Curtains Sat)
21/25 Starters Choice. Entries close McLean Foursomes
28 Pleasant Point Challenge
October Wednesday Ladies 10.00am start
2 Starters Choice
5/9 Davenport Trophy
12/16 Stableford
19/23 Bingo, Bango, Bongo
20/24 Combined Stableford
26/30 Hidden Holes
2/3 R.N.P. Homes Temuka 2000
6 Combined Stableford Pairs
9 General Closing Day
10 Sun Complete Curtains shootout
11 Coring this week
13 TBA (Bus Trip)
16 Combined Stableford Pairs
20 Ladies Closing Day - Rosina Hix Trophy
22 Fri Ladies Prize giving and dinner
23/27 McCully Trophy
28 Mon AGM
30 2nd McCully Trophy
December Wednesday Ladies 9.30am start
4 2nd McCully Trophy
8 Foxcroft Trophy
7/11 3rd McCully Trophy
14/18 4th McCully Trophy
21 Starters Choice
January 2020
11/15 Starters Choice
18/22 5th McCully Trophy
25 General Opening Day
29 Ladies Open Day - Pat McDuff Trophy