Volunteer/Sponsors Day

Hosted by Club President, Willy Powell, a number of the Club's volunteers and sponsors attended a Fun Day on Sunday 30 November.  The day was all about saying sincere thanks to the Club's volunteers and their families, for the time and effort they have so freely given for the benefit of all.

The day started with all players surrounding the putting green, armed with a ball and their putter.  On the word 'go' everyone putted at the same time, aiming towards one of the beer bottles on the green.   As expected there were some collisions along the way, but the ball finishing closest to a bottle was a winner - a nice bottle of wine.

An Ambrose format was played by eight teams - the best score was -

16 - Tim Tan's - Margaret, Russell, Tim, Tammy, Phil.  Other results were -

21.5 - Crotty Harem - Willy, Phil, Lynn, Barbara

23  -  Elderberry's - Elizabeth, Dick, Dennis, John.

23.25 - Hairy Legs - Pat, Frances, Jenny, Graham

25.75 - Gould's Mob - Pam, Graham, John, Ella, Hamish

25.75  - Boney Lot!! - Hans, Di, Rae, Ian

25.75 - Kerse Us All - Murray, Marg, Sharon, Anne

25.88 - Blue Healers - Les, Judy, Noeline, Lloyd

Closest to Pin non-golfer - Ella

Wine winners, - Rae, Lynn, John, Dennis