Married Couples Trophy 2020 – Social Club Golf
Photo shows Brian and Faye Mulvey (middle of picture) flanked by the two JD's - both Life Members of the Club - John Donoghue and Jan Davenport.
On Sunday 8 August, 13 couples played a Foursome, competing for the Married Couples Trophy. The winners are shown here - Faye and Brian Mulvey who had a very competitive score of 95-27-68, followed by Rae and Hans Winkelman 86-16-70; Margaret and Russell Dale 98-20-72; Elizabeth and Dick Marryatt 96-23-73.
Past winners of the shield, who were present on the day, were Renee and Graham Jones, 1980 and 2005; Rae and Hans Winkelman 1989 and 2016; Margaret and Russell Dale 2004; Elizabeth and Dick Marryatt 1983 and 2013; Noeline and John Donoghue 1999 and 2005; Karen and Charlie Kelley 2017; Jan and Tony Davenport 2018 plus one other date which I will need to check the shield for; Faye and Brian Mulvey 2008, 2010, 2019 and 2020.