JD Crisp and Green Family Trophies – Social Club events
Sunday 23 August 13 teams of two players contested both the above trophies. Because of Covid restrictions earlier in the year the Social Club decided to 'catch up' two events on the one day. Therefore the usual format for each trophy was changed to be a combined stableford. Hopefully in 2021 we will be in a position to play the appropriate format for each trophy, as in the past.
JD Crisp Family trophy - eligible for family relationships - mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, nieces, etc. etc. (Detailed in club programme booklet.) The winners were Auntie and Nephew combination of Frances Mulvey and Kevin Teahen - 66 combined stableford; followed by Cousins Rae Winkelman and Rex Archibald -57.
The Green Family Trophy was won by Pam Taylor and Hans Winkelman, 69; followed by Frances and Kevin Teahen 66; Faye and Brian Mulvey 59 and Karen and Charlie Kelley also 59.
Closest to Pin No. 9 - Brian Mulvey; Closest to Pin No. 12 Hans Winkelman; Twos Kevin Teahen.
(Photo below shows winners of the Green Family Trophy.) Thanks to all for your attendance and support.