Twilight Golf 18/1/22
A big field of 47 played twilight. Results –
Men 1st Gary Duncan 24 stablefords; 2nd Gordon Thompson 24; 3rd Greg Thomas 22; 4th Graham Broker 20; 5th Neville Smith 19; 6th Charlie Kelley 18, by lot from Ian Cooper, Regan Joyce and Tom Waugh.
Women 1st Sharyn Patrick 21; 2nd Frances Mulvey 19; 3rd Rae Winkelman 18 by lot from Robyn Will
Non Handicap 1st Ollie Baxter, 2nd Lucas Histen, 3rd Michelle Turner; 4th Jon McMillan; 5th Tim Columb, Craig Wright, Jill Duncan, Paul Coles.
Twos – Neville Smith, Darrel Milne. Nearest to
DG Walker Trophy Sunday 16 January 2022
Winers Noeline and John Donoghue 92-26.5-65.5
2nd Ali Talbot and Jimmy Langston 92-24.5-67.5
3rd Gay Smith and John Gould 90-21.5-68.5
Nearest to pin Gay Smith
Results 15 January
Men’s McCully Trophy Medal Round
Winner over the field: B Mulvey 83-16-67, G Mehlhopt 83-16-67
W Hobbs 79-11-68, D Bell 80-11-69, D Chinfatt 88-19-69, C Kooman 89-20-69, C Arhibald 80-11-69, E Chilton 106-36-70, J Donoghue 92-22-70, R Teahen 80-9-71, T Hutton 94-23-71, D McLachlan 81-10-71, J Gould 87-16-71
Twos: R Teahen, W Hobbs, J Gould, B Mulvey, R Joyce, K Johnson, D McLachlan
Nearest Pin: No. 9: K Johnson. No. 12: W Foxcroft
Birdies & Nett Eagles: R Archibald
Ladies 4th McCully Trophy Medal
J Bolitho 86-18-68, G Smith 99-27-72, R Will 92-19-73
Twos: J Bolitho. Nett Eagles:
Results 11 & 13 January
11 January Stableford
N Smith 39, B Mulvey 38, A Smith 36
Twos R Teahan
13 January Stableford
J Gould 40, H Broker 38, R Stevenson N Ritchie 37, T Hutton 36
Twos D Chinnfatt, J Gould, W Hobbs (2).
Nearest the pin J Gould
Twilight Results 11 January
Men’s Stableford
I Cooper 20, G Thompson 19, A Etti 19, J Shore 18, K Johnston 18, S Rees 17, M Paterson 17
Ladies Stableford
S Patrick 19, R Will 18, W Powell 16, Fran Mulvey 16, T Rees 16
R Culham, K Thorpe, D Lawson
Nearest Pin: R Tredrea. Twos: J Shore, R Tredrea, M Simpon
Ladies 4th McCully Trophy results
Five ladies played 4th McCully Trophy on Wednesday 12 January 2022. Winner was Willie Powell 93-21-72; Fran Mulvey 87-14-73; Rae Winkelman 99-25-74
Twos and Nett Eagles Fran Mulvey No. 9. Closest to pin Rae Winkelman.
Results 8 January
Mens McCully Trophy Medal
Winner over the field: C Archibald 75-12-63
G Mehlhopt 82-16-66, P Goldfinch 94-27-67, R Stevenson 84-15-69, I Cooper 90-31-69, J Gould 85-16-69, P O’Connell 84-15-69, D Chinfatt 89-19-70
Twos: P Donehue x2, R Archibald, C Walker, G Mehlhopt
Nearest Pin No. 9: T Hutton. No. 12: G Mehlhopt
Nett Eagles/Birdies: R Teahen
Ladies Stableford
W Powell 38, M Dale 37, N Donoghue 36, P Taylor 33, R Will 32, Fran Mulvey 31, J Bolitho 31, G Smith 28
Nett Eagles: N Donoghue. Twos: Fran Mulvey
Results 6 January
Stableford 6 January
R Teahan, B. Mulvey, M. Kearse 39; D. Chinfatt, P. Crotty 38, L. Wallace 36
Twos: B. Lyford, J. Sinclair, P. Crotty
Results 1 January
Men’s Stableford
R Archibald 38, R Stevenson 38, P Crotty 37, M Kerse 37, N Smith 37, K van der Westhuizden
Twos: M Kerse x3, R Stevenson P Crotty
Nearest Pin No. 9: M Kerse. No. 12: M Kerse
Birdies/Nett Eagles: K van der Westhuizen, R Archibald
Women’s Stableford
S Patrick 31, R Will 30, N Donoghue 28
Nett Eagles: N Donoghue
Ladies Results 22 December
3rd McCully Trophy
Y McCully 100-31-69, R Winkelman 97-26-71, J Bolitho 91-18-73, G Smith 100-26-74, M Dale 100-25-75, Fran Mulvey 90-14-76, N Donoghue 106-28-78
Twos: Fran Mulvey. Nett Eagles: N Donoghue. Nearest Pin No. 9: Y McCully. No. 12: Fran Mulvey
Twilight Results 21 December
Ladies Stableford
Frances Mulvey 21, Faye Mulvey 17, C Spillane 17
Mens Stableford
G Thompson 22, J Shore 21, S Mahon 20, A Ogg 20, P Sullivan 19, G Baird 19, H Broker 19
R Joyce 18, K Johnson 18, B Mulvey 18
Non-Handicap Lucky Draw
R Barton, G Warren, T Nolan
Nearest to Pin: J Shore
Twos: P Crotty, Fran Mulvey, B Mulvey
Results 18 December
Men’s Christmas Stableford Results
Winner over the field: T Hutton 88-24-64 41
P Crotty 88-22-66 39, K van der Westhuizen 77-9-68 37, B Lyford 76-8-68 37, C Walker 88-19-69 36, D Teahen 90-19-71 34, C Scarsbrook 84-12-72 33, W Hobbs 83-11-72 33, R Stevenson 87-15-72 33, K Teahen 73-1-72 33
Twos: R Stevenson, B Lyford, C Scarsbrook, K van der Westhuizen
Nearest Pin No. 9: B Mulvey. No 12: K van der Westhuizen
Nett Eagles: K van der Westhuizen, K Teahen, B Lyford
Ladies Stableford
R Will 30, W Powell 30
Twilight Results 14 December
Ladies Stableford: Fran Mulvey 22, R Will 17
Men’s Stableford: D Milne 22, H Broker 22, T Sullivan 21, J Shore 18, H Winkelman 17, G Thomas 17, G Thompson 17, by lot from S Rees, G Baird, K Teahen, S Mahon
Non-Handicap: F Spillane, T Faulkner, R Tredrea
Nearest Pin: K Teahen
Twos: Fran Mulvey
Thursday Men Brian Simpson Trophy result
Thursday men had their end of year prize giving on December 9th. Men compete for the Brian Simpson Trophy over February to November on stableford days. Players 10 best cards over the period are averaged to to find the placegetters
Big thanks to Graeme Broker and Jim Sinclair for documenting the scoring records over the 10months of the competition.
1st Denzil Chinfatt 37.2
2nd Jim Sinclair 37.0
3rd Brian Mulvey 36.5
4th Phil Donuhue 36.2
5th Russell Dale 35.8
Foxcroft Trophy Results 12 December
Foxcroft Trophy 12 December
1st: Brenda’s Babes 53.8, 2nd: Foxy’s 53.4, 3rd: A Thousand Kerses 54.2, 4th: Glenis is Late, 5th: Multees 56.2, 6th Rowdy’s Undees 56.5, 7th: Linda’s Looney’s 56.6, 8th: Laughalot 57.8, 9th: 3 Blokes with a Willie 58.2, 10th: Acers 58.3, 11th: Gaylenes Boys 59.2, 12th: Twilight 60.7, 13th: Scallywags 61.8
Men’s Results 11 December
Saturday Men’s McCully Trophy Medal Results 11 December
P Donehue 75-11-64, R Dale 82-13-69, P O’Connell 85-16-69, A Smith 96-25-71, M Peattie 78-6-72, J Sinclair 87-15-72
Twos: C Archibald, P Donehue, P O’Connell
Nearest Pin No. 9: M Peattie. No. 12: C Archibald
Nett Eagles: P Donehue
Men’s Results 7 & 9 December
Stableford 7 December
P Stringer, C Tarrant 39, R Dale 37, J Gould, W Hobbs 36.
Twos : R Teahen, J Sinclair, B Mulvey
Stableford 9 December
P O’Connell 43, P Stringer 41, C Tarrant, J Taylor 39 J Sinclair 37, L Wallace, W Hobbs 36
Nearest the pin : J Gould
Twos : M Anglem, P Stringer, D Marryatt, R Teahen, L Wallace
Thursday player of the year : D Chin Fatt, 2nd J Sinclair
Ladies Results 8 December
Ladies Stableford Results 8 December
R Winkelman 37, J Bolitho 35, H Tarrant 35, Y McCully 34, M Dale 34, F Mulvey 33, G Smith 33
Nearest Pin: No. 9: J Bolitho. No. 12: R Winkelman
Nett Eagles: B Smith No. 5
9 Hole Hidden Holes
B Smith & R Pannett 34, M Kerse & K Sullivan 31