Course Closed – Course Recovery
Temuka Golf club: Course Recovery
Please exercise PATIENCE while we work through this trying time, last year Covid this year
flooding what’s on the agenda for next year I wonder?
The course is CLOSED until further notice; there will be no practicing, or play due to the
extensive rain we have received approx. 195 mls to date on Monday morning (31st May), we
will do our best to get it up and running but be patient.
All members are asked to help with the upcoming clean up, if you can hold a club, you can
hold a rake (it will be used for removing waste/debris etc of the course), please contact Ian
at 0226763551 and he will inform you of when you will be required, ladies you could
provide morning /afternoon tea on these days, or assist with clean-up also.
The holes that have had sewerage work have had some slumping occur and are extremely
soft, we anticipate that this will be addressed by the TDC but it will take a bit of time, as
they do have more important issues at present.
Reciprocal rights
Other news
The Ladies 2BB tournament and Mens 2 BB have both been delayed until another date yet
to be confirmed (Fonterra boys will be happy about this)
The grass grub has been seen floating in the new water hazards on the course so this may
be seen as a positive
And for those who thought we needed to water, your wish has been granted,
So, thanks for your patience (I could have said be kind), and please observe the closure and
put your hand up for the working bee, bring your rake to this.
President :Willie Powell