RNP Homes Temuka 2000 Results 2021
Temuka Golf Club – October 30/31
RNP Homes Temuka 2000 Women Result,
209 R Winkelman and W Powell
210 H Tarrant and M Dale 210;
210 J Bolitho and E Marryatt 210
211 K Kelley and G Smith 211
213 B Green and B McEwen
214 S Twaddle and D Taylor
215 J Hamer and D Campell
216 J O’Conner and J McDonald
Photo shows Women’s winners Willy Powell and Rae Winkelman with Temuka Hammer Hardware sponsor Karl Johnson
below Mens Club Captain Michael Anglem with winners Steve Stewart & Graham Mehlhopt either side of 1st prize sponsor Karl Johnson